Author: Fit Singapore

The Importance of Knowing your Clients’ Motivations. Part 2 of 2.

By Andrew Telfer International Educator for upcoming NSCA Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist Course We finished part one’s article by introducing the concept of internal and external motivation in clients.  We discussed how some people are motivated by external (extrinsic) factors like fame, parental expectations or money while others are motivated by internal (intrinsic) factors…

The Jungle – Ninja Fitness

As you know, Fit Singapore have recently introduced “Workout Wednesdays” where we kick our mid-week blues butt and get together as a team to enjoy a different fitness experience each week. So far we have tried strength and conditioning, Metafit, Kickboxing inspired group exercise, calisthenics, arial yoga and even completed the Beep Test!   This…