Category: obesity

Is Bone Broth A Miracle Food?

Bone broth is one of those food trends. It has been around for decades but gaining some attention recently. Some nutritionists and health fanatics claim bone broth is a miracle food that can alleviate a host of health issues. To start, bone broth is a type of broth that is made by simmering animal bones…

Strategies To Incorporate Flaxseeds Into Your Daily Regimen

Flaxseeds are trendy in today’s health food culture yet they have been around for thousands of years. They come from flowering Linum usitatissimum plant, they are cultivated for food and fiber. Flaxseeds even have use in the textile industry due to its strong durable fibers found in the plant’s stem. Two tablespoons of ground flaxseed is…

The Myth of Motivation for Autism and Neurodivergent Athletes

Are all your autism and/or neurodivergent athletes motivated all the time? Likely not. “my son/daughter/students/clients aren’t motivated to exercise” is the most common question/lamentation I get. The Meaning of Motivation To understand the solution, we have to reframe the question and consider what is meant by “motivation” and “exercise.” At the risk of answering a question…

Essential Oils: Can they aid in weight loss?

We are all very familiar with fad diets such as no or low carb, cabbage soup, Atkins, This can go on ad infinitum. Aside from diets, supplements, drugs and even potions – or in this case essential oils – are frequently marketed as miracle weight loss aids. Can essential oils really induce weight loss? What exactly…

Caffeine: Good or Bad for Athletic Performance?

Caffeine is a stimulant found in coffee, tea, and cacao plants. It stimulates the brain and central nervous system, boosting alertness and preventing fatigue. Athletes frequently use caffeine.  Historically, it is said that the first tea was brewed in 2737 B.C. Several years later, the coffee bean was discovered by an Ethiopian shepherd who noticed…

Why should you become a Zuu Instructor

Zuu is a relatively new workout program that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is a high-intensity, low-impact workout that combines bodyweight movements, cardio exercises, and strength training. Zuu is designed to be a full-body workout that targets every muscle group and helps participants improve their strength, agility, flexibility, and endurance. In this…

Kettlebells for Fitness

Kettlebells are a versatile and effective tool that personal trainers can use to add variety and challenge to their clients’ workouts. Incorporating kettlebells into training programs can provide a number of benefits for both personal trainers and their clients.   One of the main advantages of using kettlebells is that they can be used to…