Hypertrophy Level 1 (Online)

Is it possible to build muscle and gain size, whilst getting leaner, all at the same time? What’s the best way to train and eat to maximize muscle growth? What if I’m not looking to get bigger, just much stronger?

These are all questions that are frequently asked, yet so rarely answered fully or satisfactorily.

Often it takes one to hit a training plateau or, unfortunately, get injured before they really start to seek the serious answers. If you, like many others, want to identify the factors that go into planning a specific hypertrophy protocol, individualize it and see optimal results, then this course will provide the information for just that.

This in-depth 10 HOUR ONLINE COURSE on the essentials of Hypertrophy combines the latest in scientific research, effective practical application, and covers the range of topics below.


  • Learn the essentials and effective practical application of Hypertrophy, based on the latest scientific research
  • Self-paced course; includes 6 Lessons and 1 Assessment
  • Course access valid for 3 months; Additional fee applies for account extension 

    **contact our team for information on extension

  • No prerequisites needed
  • Receive LearnASP Certificate after passing the assessment
  • 1.2 ACE CEC | 1.3 NASM CEU
  • Price: SGD 569.00
  • *Please note that this course is not SkillsFuture credits /UTAP eligible.


The course covers the following topics:

  • The types of hypertrophy and the physiology behind the processes
  • Hypertrophy versus “functional” training – are they independent of each other
  • The practical applications of the types of hypertrophy
  • Mindset and hypertrophy: how visualization and cueing can increase neuromuscular contraction
  • Training variables to include for designing hypertrophy specific programs
  • Hypertrophy specific nutrition and nutrient timing
  • Supplementation and the fallacies that surround it
  • The immediate application of theories through actual case studies and examples


  • Fitness professionals, such as trainers, coaches, gym owners, and athletes
  • Bodybuilders, physique, and bikini competitors
  • Fitness enthusiasts who want to learn more and take their fat loss knowledge, and training specificity to the next level

No Prerequisites needed


  • Course Manual
  • Day 1 Video
  • Day 2 Video
  • Day 3 Video
  • Day 4 Video
  • Assessment (90% Passing Grade) – 2 attempts
  • **Extension/Re-sit fee – USD100.00  (within 1-month period)
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About the Author and Presenter:

Benjamin Siong

Ben is the Founder of Australian Strength Performance, Australia’s premiere training and education company focused on 4 main areas: athletic performance, physique transformations, sports psychology and optimal nutrition. Having graduated with an honours degree in psychology, Ben is also a level 5 Poliquin Strength Coach, ISSN Sports Nutrition Specialist and a highly sought after international fitness presenter.

His expertise lies in combining specific training protocols with optimal nutrition and supplementation – all individualized and specifically tailored to help the athlete accelerate their progress and achieve their goals. He has worked with top international athletes in a variety of different sports, as well as with champion bodybuilders, fitness models and pageant queens, including Miss Australia 2011 and Miss Malaysia 2012.