Training Pregnant and Post-Partum Clients (FIT)

Course Objective

The Training Pregnant and Post–Partum Clients course covers the physiological changes associated with pregnancy and explains how these changes require alterations in the design of exercise programs for this special population. Both personal training programs and group fitness classes are discussed throughout the course and upon completion of this course, participants will be able to :

  • Describe the major anatomical, physiological, skeletal and risk factors of pregnant and post-partum clients.
  • Explain the benefits and fetal risks of exercise during pregnancy and after birth.
  • Explain the particular health concerns and contraindications for exercise for pregnant and post-partum clients.
  • Demonstrate, explain and spot some of the most common exercise used for strength training, flexibility and cardiovascular exercise for pregnant and postpartum clients.
  • Design exercise programme based on the specific needs of these clients.


  • Understand the physiological changes associated with pregnancy and post-natal women
  • Next intake: TBA
  • 0.6 ACE CEC’s
  • Price: S$375
  • Eligible for SkillsFuture and UTAP claims

Course Content :

  • Physiology of Pregnancy covers the variety of bodily changes that occurs throughout pregnancy and after giving birth and their implications for exercise prescription
  • Benefits of Physical activity includes the physiological, psychological and social benefits of exercise for pregnant women
  • Principles and techniques of exercise covers the most common exercises used in cardiorespiratory training, strength training and flexibility for pregnant and postpartum women and also covers the contraindications and safety issues involved
  • Programming guidelines introduces participants to the principles of program development base on the varying needs of women in different stages of pregnancy, including client assess

Kareen is a mum on a mission, to shape up the nation one mother at a time! Every mother has the right to live a fit, healthy & confident motherhood!

Kareen is the author of ’18 Again – Bringing Out the Sexy Fit Mummy in You’. She founded Mums In Sync in 2013, which runs fitness and nutrition programmes to teach mothers how to love their bodies and get into tiptop shape to rock the world with renewed confidence.

Because of the wonderful work she has done, she was awarded the Singapore Mumpreneur of the Year 2014. Her story and work has been featured and shared on several media platforms, including the Straits Times, SHAPE, Mother & Baby etc… She has also shared on live TV at Mediacorp, on The 5 Show (Channel 5) and 狮城有约 (Channel 8).

Besides being a mum to a pair of lovely twins, she is also wife to an army officer. Kareen is a highly qualified personal trainer who holds accreditations by both the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and the American Council on Exercise (ACE). With an acute interest in postnatal fitness and health, Kareen is known for her work in helping new mums heal safely. She also developed and launched Body Confidence After Baby – a 6 week online postnatal healing program, to help new mums learn how to recover and get back into shape safely.