Personal Trainer Development Program (ACE-CPT)


The decision to become professionally certified is an important step in being recognized as a competent practitioner in your discipline. With an internationally recognize certification, it does not only validates your expertise and commitment to excellence in the fitness industry, but also inspire confidence in your future clients; fostering trust and loyalty in your services.

The American Council on Exercise (ACE)’s acclaimed Certified Personal Trainer Certification is the leading industry recognized certification. One of the main benefit of being an ACE certified trainer is the opportunity to continue providing personal training services despite relocating to another country (e.g Australia).

Our Personal Trainer Development Program (PTDP) course gives you the chance to complete ACE certification alongside two other industry certificates. The course offers everything you need to start your amazing career as an exercise professional. At FIT Asia, we provide the most comprehensive practical training; getting you ready to be a Functional Tools Coach, armed with the essential skills (art of coaching) of being a Personal Trainer.


  • We have one of the highest passing rate among local academies with a 88% passing rate in 2022.
  • Produce confident and technically proficient Personal Trainers
  • Receive comprehensive practical training as well as essential science
  • Obtain THREE Certificates
  • Next Intake – MAR/APR Intake
    Starting: 28th March 2025

    9 days over 4 weekends
    Runs from 9am to approximately 5-6pm

  • Course Fee: 

    • EB S$2,850 (ends Feb 28th)
    • RP S$2,950  (from Mar 1st onwards)
  • Eligible for SkillsFuture & UTAP claims

    For more information, please refer to our FAQ here.

What is this Personal Trainer Development Program about?

Our flagship Personal Trainer Development Program (PTDP) provides you with all the necessary tools to become an internationally recognized Certified Personal Trainer. The hands-on experience serves as the platform for you to go greater heights within this fast growing industry. You will never regret it!

Upon completing PTDP course, you will be able to design, implement, monitor, and evaluate safe and effective exercise programs for healthy adults. In addition, the course provides a systematic approach to personal trainers with unique entry points, allowing you to take a client from being sedentary all the way to training for athletic performance. Most importantly, this course prepares you for the international certification exam with our proven exam review method!

How it benefits me?

  • Expedite your competencies of becoming a world-class personal trainer and fitness professional
  • Discover the latest exercise programmes & techniques for function, health to fitness and performance
  • Builds solid foundation in nutrition and exercise science, giving you huge room to advance in the industry
  • Get trained as Functional Tools Coach by Functional Training Institute (Australia)
  • Equiped with Personal Trainer Essential Skills
  • Learn from the best fitness educators in the country with strong academic background, work experience and teaching experience

Who will benefit from this course?

  • Fitness Enthusiasts; aiming to equip themselves with skills to improve their training
  • Fitness Enthusiasts entering the fitness industry; career switch
  • Current Fitness Instructors/ Personal Trainers wanting to be an Internationally Certified Personal Trainer

What does it include?

Personal Trainer Essential Skills [14 hours]

  • Resistance Training Equipment
  • Grips in Resistance Training
  • Teaching Technique “Tell, Show, Do”
  • Learning Styles and Strategies
  • Correcting Form
  • Movement Patterns and Exercises
  • Programming Resistance Training
  • ASSESSMENT: You will be assessed on your technical knowledge and instructional skills at the end of the 2nd day.

FTI – Functional Tools Coach [7 hours]

The Functional Tools Coach Workshop by the Functional Training Institute (Global/AUS) is designed to give you a basic understanding of the exercises, principles and programming around the following tools: Kettlebells, Battling Ropes, Functional bags, Suspension Training.

  • Progress and regress functional tools movements for clients with various fitness levels
  • Learn how to effectively coach movement using the FTI coaching method
  • Understand the key coaching and programming methodology to enhance your sessions
  • Add another dimension to your coaching practice by undertaking a systematic method of learning and applying functional training
  • Learn to apply fun and engaging warm up activities to enhance the culture and effectiveness in your sessions

ACE Certified Personal Trainer [42 hours]

  • Introduction to Personal Training, Code of Ethics, Introduction to Program Design
  • Behavior Change & Communication Skills
  • Nutrition & Weight Management
  • Anatomy & Movement
  • Physiological Assessment
  • Functional Assessment, Training & Programming
  • Essential Anatomy, Physiology and Biomechanics
  • Resistance Training – Assessments, Training & Programming
  • Personal Trainer Essential Skills
  • Cardiorespiratory Training– Science, Assessments, Training & Programming
  • Special Populations & Musculoskeletal Injuries
  • Exam Review
  • ACE EXAM: We recommend that you sit the ACE exam within one (1) to three (3) months of the preparation course. You can request for our team to get you enrolled whenever you are ready.

    1. Have a look on the ACE website  and choose a date and time. DO NOT go further and book the exam yourself as you will have to pay for it again (exam is included in your course bundle). Please note that the date should be at least 15 days away.
    2. You will be required to complete the Exam Booking form provided and submit a copy of your valid CPR+AED Certificate.
    3. Once your request is approved, you should then receive an email from ACE within about two working days, containing your exam vouchers. These should be printed and taken with you for the exam (along with a photo ID like your passport or IC).

    *To change your exam date or book a retake will cost you SGD 450

Sign Up Now

With more than 24 hours of practical components added to the curriculum, covering Personal Trainer Essential Skills, Functional Training, and Program Building, FIT Asia ensure that we are offering the highest standards to our students; producing confident and incredibly skilled Personal Trainers.

  • This course includes:
  • Personal Trainer Essential Skills
  • Functional Tools Coach
  • ACE Certified Personal Trainer
  • Course Manuals
  • Free access to our Learning Management System with extra learning materials
  • ACE Exam Ticket
  • Personal Career Development Advisor from FIT Asia Team

What our graduates say about the course